John Mechalas
I was born and raised in east-central Illinois and attended school at Purdue University before moving to the Pacific Northwest. There was a lot to love about the midwest and I miss the thunderstorms, the acres of cornfields, and the sun, but not the winters or the tornadoes.

Photography is a hobby, one I have pursued since I received my first camera at the age of 18. Even when traveling for work I always finds time for pictures, which frequently means extremely late nights and obscenely early mornings. I tend to seek out vivid colors, unusual perspectives of familiar objects and locations, and panoramic views of city- and landscapes.

I currently live in the Portland, OR metropolitan area with my wife and menagerie of dogs and cats.


I have traveled and photographed with these individuals and I love their work. I think you will, too.

David Martinez Marinero

Kati Falger